Ladies and gentlemen, friends old and new,

As the sands of time trickle down to the last grains of 2024, let us gather our thoughts for a moment of reflection, celebration, and dare I say, anticipation.

This year filled with its unique blend of triumphs and trials, laughter and lessons, and perhaps even a few dramas tucked away for good measure. It has been a year of shaking hands, mending fences, and building bridges: some over troubled waters, others simply for the joy of the view.

But as any seasoned traveler knows, the path forward requires not just the strength of the steps behind, but the courage to face the unknown with resolve. We toast tonight not just the closing of a chapter, but the unveiling of a new on: a chapter brimming with unwritten possibilities, opportunities yet to be seized, and dreams still daring to take flight.

So, to 2024, thank you for the memories you bestowed upon us. And to 2025, we await you with open arms and a spark of optimism in our hearts. May the road ahead be paved with prosperity, the company beside us be true, and the stories yet to be written be ones worth sharing, over a fine glass of whiskey or a humble mug of coffee.

Let us stand together, and let the clock strike twelve with gratitude in our souls, ambition in our veins, and a smile that says we’re ready for whatever comes next.

To the end of 2024, and to the glorious beginning of 2025: Cheers!


This is a simple reblog of an article I found interesting on giving perspective to human progress.

The key points are these:

One ship today carries 3 times more freight than the whole English merchant fleet did 440 years ago.

1582 English merchant fleet capacity: 68 000 tons, crew of 16 000

2022 Capacity of a container ship 236 228 tons, crew of 22


New year, new me!

Like every year, there is a time to reflect on what has happened in the past year and new projects come to mind.

Professionally, I am quite happy of where I am and of the projects I am working on. There’s a personal one I am working on as well on which I will be talking more later on about.

On the private side, there is one new year resolution I particularly hold at heart. It is about visiting more museums in Belgium by taking advantage of the Museum Pass: a yearly pass selling for €59 and giving unlimited free access to most Belgian museums along with a couple other perks. I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a healthy hobby.